Wednesday, 11 March 2009

cool tanks

hello and welcome to my cool cars and tanks blog,

please explore around and post me comments
thanks for viewing

from james.

this is the british worrier tank,
picture from the british army and maybe subject to copywrite.

this is the british bulldog with more armoured plating
image from the british army website and maybe subject to copyrite.

this is the american shermen mostly used in ww2 image from and maybe subject to copyrite.

this is the armourd vehicle (saxon) image from british army

and maybe subject to copyrite.

this is the trojan wich is a enginering vehicle, image from the british army website and maybe subject to copyrite

this is the scorpion tank, image from the british army website and

maybe subject to copyrite.

this vehicle is transporting petrol for the tanks and av in a convoy, image from british army website and maybe subject to copyrite

this is the vicking patrol vehicle, image from the british army web site and
maybe subject to cobyrite

this is the british challenger main battle tank, image from the british army website and maybe subject to copyrite

cool cars

this is possibly the fastest car in the world.... image form

but mabey subject to copyright.

this is the farrari spider, image found at
but maybe subject to copyright.

this is the audi R8 i got this image from
but maybe supject to copyright.

this is the audi locus i got this image from
but maybe subject to copyright.